Monthly Archives: September 2024

What Happens After the Court Has Scheduled Your Lawsuit?
If you were harmed by another party and sustained damages, you may be able to make a civil claim against them and recoup the losses you suffered. Likewise, if another party alleges you harmed them and they sustain losses, they would have the same ability to file a civil claim against you. Usually, negotiations… Read More »

Suing for Emotional Distress After Alleged Bad Faith in Oregon
Many states recognize an individual’s right to file a negligence claim due to insurance bad faith. Oregon was one of the states that did not recognize these claims in previous years. However, Moody v. Oregon Community Credit Union was a case that changed this, and the result was that when an insurance company violates… Read More »

Medical Malpractice VS Bad Medical Outcomes
Medical malpractice claims are notoriously difficult to win for patients when they go to trial. One of the biggest challenges for patients is proving that malpractice happened and not just a bad outcome because where a legal action is concerned, there is a difference between the two. Still, medical malpractice lawsuits are pretty common… Read More »

Obtaining Compensation After a Drunk-Driving Crash in Oregon
Drunk driving is illegal, and it is also unacceptable. Every day, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration says that as many as 37 people die in the United States due to a drunk-driving crash. In other words, every day, 37 people needlessly lose their lives in drunk-driving crashes, which are entirely preventable. If a… Read More »

Oregon Drunk Driving Crash Statistics
Across the country, drunk driving is a serious public health issue. Despite the many taxi and rideshare services, the presence of public transportation, and people generally having a cell phone handy most of the time to call a designated driver, people still choose to drive drunk. This decision can come with very serious consequences… Read More »

Top 6 Ways Logging Truck Accident Happen
Oregonians know that it is not uncommon to drive by large logging trucks. This is because the logging industry is active and thriving in Oregon. In 2024, Oregon had the most lumber production than any other state in the nation. To operate a logging truck and trailer, it is necessary that a driver have… Read More »

What is Attorney-Client Privilege?
Suppose you have been accused of a criminal act or were hurt in an injury accident. In that case, you may have called an attorney to help defend yourself from criminal charges or to pursue financial compensation for your damages. Your attorney aims to represent you to the best of their ability and secure… Read More »

How to Obtain Compensation For a Back Injury
Many people suffer from some back pain that is constant and persistent, so much so that the pain can lead to complications like disablement. Your back is composed of bones, muscles, and other soft tissues that extend from high up in your neck and all the way down to your pelvis. Any part of… Read More »