Monthly Archives: January 2025

What Causes a Truck Jackknife Accident?
A commercial truck has a cab and a trailer. When a jackknife accident happens, the truck’s cab and trailer turn into each other in a similar way that a jackknife folds into its sheath. Sometimes, as the large trailer starts to slide into the cab, it takes other smaller passenger vehicles with it. As… Read More »

Why Cars Must Display Two License Plates in Oregon
Drivers in the state of Oregon must have a license plate both on the front of their vehicle and on the back. There are repercussions to violating Oregon’s license plate laws. If you do not have both license plates, this is a Class D violation, and you may be fined $65 to as high… Read More »

Why You Should Call The Police After a Fender Bender in Oregon
Every year, thousands of car accidents are reported in Oregon. In fact, the Oregon Driver & Motor Vehicle Services indicates that annually, there are around 25,000 fatal and non-fatal Oregon car accidents where only injuries are suffered. However, not every car accident produces serious and catastrophic outcomes. Each year, there are also around 20,000… Read More »

How Attorney-Client Privilege Affect Personal Injury Cases
When an agreement to work together is signed between a client and their attorney, the relationship has certain protections. As the advocate for their client, an attorney represents their client’s best interests and aims to help them succeed in the legal case they are involved in. Based on the facts of the case and… Read More »

Understanding the Exceptions to Attorney-Client Privilege
Attorney-client privilege is a principle that is fundamental to the integrity of the practice of law. It allows clients to have faith in their legal counsel and can help them feel secure that their sensitive information related to their case will be protected from disclosure. As a result, they can feel more comfortable being… Read More »

The Dangers of Careless Driving in Oregon
Every year, millions of car accidents are reported across the United States. Daily, there are more than 100 people in the United States who die in car accidents, making crashes the leading cause of death in the country, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Most crashes happen because of some type… Read More »