What Is A Personal Injury Claim?

Mistakes happen, and they don’t always lead to physical bodily harm. But, when they do, victims on the receiving end of a negligent accident may have the right to take legal action against the party that hurt them. A personal injury claim generally involves the injured person making their claim against the person accused of causing them harm or that person’s insurance company. The purpose of a personal injury claim is to recover the total amount of financial compensation necessary to recoup a victim’s financial losses and make them whole again the way they were before their accident happened. This includes compensation for the victims pain and suffering.
Personal injury claims can be complicated. Figuring out who is at fault, the fault laws of the state that the suit is filed in, addressing insurance reimbursement claims, the statute of limitations, and more can all make the process incredibly stressful and even confusing for plaintiffs. Luckily, plaintiffs do not have to file their claims alone.
A person who was injured by another negligent party has the right to use a personal injury attorney to help them with their claim. And, considering working with an attorney increases the potential of a claim to not only be successful for a victim but also to help them improve their chances of securing the most compensation possible, it is usually recommended that personal injury victims meet with an attorney at the very onset of the personal injury claims process.
For victims in Oregon, the Portland personal injury attorneys at the Rosenbaum Law Group are the legal professionals you can turn to and trust for help. Our legal team is experienced, aggressive, and seasoned personal injury attorneys who have a track record of getting the most for our clients.
Understanding the Basics of Personal Injury Claims
First, it is essential to get an understanding of the legal jargon. Personal injury law is also called tort law. Personal injury claims and lawsuits are civil actions (or claims) that only render financial compensation, not criminal punishments like time behind bars or fines. In general, a plaintiff who files a personal injury claim and is successful will recover a sum of money that should reflect the amount of their damages or losses.
It is easy for a victim to recover far less than what they deserve when filing a personal injury claim. There is one main reason this happens. Victims who are not trained in tort law and who do not know how to properly value their claim will also not understand their rights and the full damages they suffered and are entitled to. As a result, they may naturally be more eager to accept the first settlement that comes to them and often find they did not get enough to cover the actual damages they experienced. To avoid this from happening, a victim can partner with a personal injury attorney who will know how to value their claim and negotiate or litigate to help victims get a fair amount of compensation.
Most personal injury claims will end up resolving with a financial settlement. Although, in the rare case that a settlement is not reached, the claim can turn into a lawsuit and go to arbitration or trial. In this situation, having an attorney’s assistance can mean the difference between a fair settlement and nothing at all.
Call an Oregon Personal Injury Attorney Today
It is imperative that you get the most from your personal injury claim, and the Oregon personal injury attorneys at the Rosenbaum Law Group know how to help you achieve this objective. Call us today to schedule a completely free initial consultation to discuss your case at (503) 288-8000.